Ansible prompt for input variable

Ansible prompt for input variable. yml -e username=golinuxcloud. Dec 28, 2016 · I want to set a variable to some value defined by the user prompt. (An example is part of the ansible. Job types of Run or Check will provide a way to set up surveys in the Job Template creation or editing screens. tasks: - name: create 10 users. wait_for module. See full list on linuxconfig. tasks: - name: including external variable. Hands-on: Try the Customize Terraform Configuration with Variables tutorial. May 7, 2018 · Simply Run your Command with following Ways. - command: "echo {{ pause_var. For example, if you use one playbook across multiple software releases, you Sep 4, 2021 · msg: "{{ reboot }}" It asks for the user's input so it can decide on some reboot policies. include_vars: name_vars. Prompts for individual vars_prompt variables will being skiped for any variable that is already defined through the command line --extra-vars option, or when running from adenine non-interactive session (such how cron oder Ansible AWX). yaml --extra-vars "nodes=appgroup”. 5. yml" Unfortunately the pause and register approach is now not so great in Ansible 2. Ansible Tower uses SSH to connect to remote hosts (or the Windows equivalent). All the commands are there in a single task. The Jinja2 undef () function returns a Python AnsibleUndefined object, derived from jinja2. Return Values. During execution of playbook i want user to enter the instruction so to do this i came across the pause module but problem is this it only runs for 1st host in the group and ignores all other hosts even though i set the when condition. For example, if you use one playbook across multiple software releases, you could prompt for the particular release version The user input is hidden by default but it can be made visible by setting private: no. yml --ask-become. You can set the minimum and maximum length (in characters) for this answer. You can use when condition only on roles, blocks, and tasks (including pre_tasks and post_tasks). You have to duplication the user interaction. I can see that the prompt appears, the default value is set, but I'm not able to type anything at the prompt. ansible-playbook main. deprecations. Consider avoiding the use of vars_prompt if at all possible. You have options here to select (N)o/ (y)es/ (c)ontinue. Test file structure: Apr 19, 2023 · register: pause_var. See Passing variables on the command line in the /Variables/ chapter. Use the JSON format if you need Dec 29, 2016 · I would like to select a specific variable based on user input in an Ansible playbook. Selected the “Answer type” as text. [local] localhost ansible_connection=local ansible_python_interpreter=python. prompt: Please enter the port name: 0/1-0/5 Dec 5, 2019 · Ansible vars_prompt. Enter the survey details for our variable – “ FS_MOUNTPOINT “. can only be set at the play level. answered Dec 5, 2019 at 12:31. setting all prompts in the same play), what you are trying is not possible. By default the vault ID labels (dev, prod and so on) are only hints. Ansible Tower – Enable Survey. Input Variables. I have tried escaping the newline with "" as indicated in many questions/answers on the internet, but Ansible seems to ignore the "". If you run ansible-playbook with the --ask-sudo-pass parameter, then your second option will ask you for the password once, and will reuse that each time, where needed. yes | /tmp/bin/update_script. user_input == "yes" - fail: msg: "Unexpected user input while prompting approval" when: prompt_status. debug: msg: "Username: {{ username }}, Home dir Aug 30, 2015 · Ignoring checking is a bad idea as it makes you susceptible to Man-in-the-middle attacks. gather_facts: false. But whenever this is evaluated even with an empty string (e. 6 ». The playbook is intended be used as an ad-hoc one for initial provisioning. When prompted, enter your desired custom message and click NEXT button: 07- Once you have lunched the job template, you will be redirected to a job screen which is refreshing in Interactive input: prompts If you want your playbook to prompt the user for certain input, add a ‘vars_prompt’ section. Suppose you have 42 nodes -- it will ask you 42 times. Using Facts: Ansible gathers facts about managed hosts, and you can use these facts as variables in your playbooks. shell or ansible. username: email address: password: password (check): The <command> <option> asks for four variables that can be hardcoded in the playbook. The value of a task being executed in ansible can be saved in a variable and used later. For example: ansible-vault edit foo. The default behavior is to pause with a prompt. New in version 2. Click the Survey tab to create a survey. The password with the same label as the encrypted data will be tried first, after that each vault secret will be tried in the order they were provided on the command line. Answer Variable Name: The Ansible variable name to store the user’s response in. - name: generate_private_key. Ansible won't prompt for variables defined by the command line --extra-vars. And then split it in task into an actual list: tasks: - set_fact: application_list: "{{ application_list_csv. connection: local. my_pause. See Defining variables at runtime. As a consequence, you can't execute vars_prompt conditionally. [ansible@controller ~]$ ansible-playbook variable-with-cmd-line. Get training, subscriptions, certifications, and more for partners to build, sell, and support customer solutions. Open the template and click on “Add Survey”. Then it loops through the hash of VMs to create them with relevant settings. user_input is defined and prompt_status. : ansible-playbook playbook. — Ansible Tower User Guide v3. 12. On newer version of Ansible Tower/ AWX, you will get “ SURVEY ” option to configure. I am not sure how can I put in the password in that promt. My preference would be to prompt me at the beginning of the playbook to type in yes or no, register that as a variable, and then use that like when: ev_security_only == " {{ variable }} " to set it. Improve this answer. You have two options. Examples. Answer Type: Choose from the following question types. Option 1: Since your target hosts are comma separated, you might as well input them that way. When you pass variables at the command line, use a single quoted string, that contains one or more variables, in one of the formats below. 4 days ago · You can encrypt two types of content with Ansible Vault: variables and files. Interactive input: prompts If you want your playbook to prompt the user for certain input, add a ‘vars_prompt’ section. This has uses beyond security, for instance, you may use the same playbook Dec 29, 2023 · 4. This is the variable to be used by the playbook. Can we achieve with_sequence. Workflows. Each module can optionally document its own unique return values (visible through ansible-doc and on the main docsite ). For example, if you use one playbook across multiple software releases, you could prompt for the particular release version Sep 1, 2022 · Prompts. prompt: please enter the name for the target. Dec 20, 2021 · Then in the task you can use that users variable you included from the variable file. By default, you can also access some Ansible facts as top-level variables with the ansible_ prefix. yml in your ansible-practice directory: vars: - username: sammy - home: /home/sammy tasks: - name: print variables. In the previous variables. yml file I have removed the ‘user: ansible’ and ‘pass: Password123’ variables. I think I may be using vars_prompt incorrectly because when I define a variable (used as a host) from command line, the host is used for the following task correctly: ansible-playbook newfile -v -e 'target_host=uat:prd'. > 1. Let’s get started: Step-1. Input variables let you customize aspects of Terraform modules without altering the module's own source code. when: flag=="no". If the flag is no, I read the user input for name Apr 1, 2019 · User input is stored in the whatever variable you are using for the name attribute in each of the variable prompts. Desired Approach: Passing in Variables on the Command Line Synopsis. As a part of the installation of SlapOS node, the Ansible playbook is written in yml file. To specify a password for sudo, run ansible-playbook with --ask-become-pass ( -K for short). However I'm annoyed that this step is ran on a ton of machines while Ansible vars prompt to Choose from list of vars. Attributes. - hosts: web. Jul 8, 2016 · 3. If after 10 seconds the user didn't put any input the default will be "1". See ansible_run_tags. Nov 30, 2022 · The above looks overly complicated compared to the already existing feature in ansible. See Also. Specifically, I would like to ask for user input on a location of a server, and then execute a specific action based on the input. This said, there is one playbook keyword designed to propagate results and fact on all hosts, it is run_once. This will allow you to confirm each step before it is run. 11. This has uses beyond security, for instance, you may use the same playbook for all software releases and would prompt Feb 16, 2021 · The input provided at the command line will be stored in the api_key variable, which can then be used in the play like any regular variable. It's not possible. Apr 29, 2019 · Ansible does not give you access to interactive commands. For example, if you use one playbook across multiple software releases, you I was trying to use vars_prompt in Ansible with default values taken from facts (or otherwise a previously defined variable). When running a playbook, you may wish to prompt the user for certain input, and can do so with the ‘vars_prompt’ section. *, as the user input is invisible. Boolean that will bypass the host loop, forcing the task to attempt to Jun 26, 2023 · To edit an encrypted file in place, use the ansible-vault edit command. Just reading some things about ansible trying to understand some behaviors :D – Interactive input: prompts. Use of -v when executing playbooks will show possible values for the results. As a Tower administrator with superuser access, you can define a custom credential type in a standard format using a YAML/JSON-like definition, allowing the assignment of new credential types to jobs and inventory updates. use lookup with env, to read vars from environment variables. expect: command: /tmp/bin/update_script. Jul 22, 2016 · 1 Answer. A "newline" at the end of each line is translated into a space. Quoting from Interactive input: prompts: Prompts for individual vars_prompt variables will be skipped for any variable that is already defined through the command line --extra-vars option, You can't overwrite vars_prompt variables from the inventory. I took the freedom to improve nikobelia's answer by only adding each machine's key once and actually setting ok/changed status in Ansible: - name: Accept EC2 SSH host keys. Thank you for any insight you can provide. 05- Click SAVE again on the main Job Template page. yml - hosts: all vars_prompt: - name: "username" prompt: "Username" private: no - name: "email" prompt: "Email" private: no - name: "password" prompt: "Password" private: yes roles: - initdb Jul 13, 2018 · shell: |. Learn about our open source products, services, and company. key=value format Values passed in using the key=value syntax are interpreted as strings. yml file example is apparently missing a block definition (please edit ) 2) checking the length of a defined but empty variable (even as imbricated reference) should theoretically do what you expect so you need to provide a Jun 1, 2021 · 1. If you run a playbook utilizing become and the playbook seems to hang, most likely it is stuck at the privilege escalation prompt. I'm learning Ansible and I'm wondering how to write a task to process the following command: $<command> <options>. While variable prompts are easy to implement, you will outgrow them if you are invested in using Ansible for full configuration management. $ ansible-playbook -i localhost, -c local -K playbook. Apr 9, 2020 · (updated with Ansible 2. In one case I'm using ansible's expect option. It should also contain our environment variable. #default: 1 ### This is not working, saying Sep 13, 2020 · 1. This ensures you avoid accidental running of the playbook against hardcoded hosts. This has helped create a questionnaire for a playbook I have which is great. - debug: msg="Hello, {{name}}" I want to first ask for the flag from the user, if it's yes, then I read the name variable from another file, and then display it. 18. Follow. You can't use it on a play. If you need input from the user, have them provide it on the command line using -e variable=value or in a file and using -e @somefile. run_once. vars_prompt: - name: application_list_csv. Apr 30, 2021 · See the latest Ansible documentation. default: "{{ ansible_hostname }}" May 16, 2019 · A task list is so named because it can only consist of tasks; metadata like vars, vars_prompt, hosts, etc. 10. Interactive input: prompts. For example, a host variable can be overridden for a block of tasks: Aug 25, 2016 · I'm using ansible to automate project deploy on machines. builtin. This allows you to define a custom credential type that works in ways similar to existing Mar 29, 2022 · Ansible doesn’t make a distinction between content that was encrypted using prompt or a password file as password source, as long as the input password is the same. Jan 17, 2019 · I have a question, can we pass a range of inputs with vars_prompt. Meanwhile, you can work around the problem as demonstrated in the following example. A common use for this might be for asking for sensitive data that you do not want to record. Mar 22, 2023 · Variables used in attribute prompt for vars_prompt must be defined when the play starts. Ansible facts are data related to your remote systems, including operating systems, IP addresses, attached filesystems, and more. Custom Credential Types. txt. Parameters. I have in my: # initdb. This document covers return values common to all modules. See Playbook Keywords. yml -K. I need to determine a range command based on the number of switches in a stack, for example, i ask for input in the playbook, May 27, 2020 · prompt: "Enter name". Mar 19, 2019 · Option: 2 – Passing Variable using SURVEY. Surveys set extra variables for the playbook similar to ‘Prompt for Extra Variables’ does, but in a user-friendly question and answer way. I'm trying to figure out if there is an easy way to make the prompt appear just once and Prompts for individual vars_prompt variables will be skipped for any variable that is already defined through the command line --extra-vars option, or when running from a non-interactive session (such as cron or Ansible Tower). For example, you can define the user Ansible uses to connect to remote devices as a variable with ansible_user, in a configuration file with DEFAULT_REMOTE_USER, as a command-line option with -u, and with the playbook keyword remote_user. See Determining variables at runtime. In practical terms, this means it is OK to encrypt a file using prompt and then later use a password file to store the same password used with the prompt method. yml. You can disable this behavior using the INJECT_FACTS_AS_VARS Interactive input: prompts. Apr 15, 2021 · To see how variables work in practice, we’ll create a new test playbook that will print the value of two variables, username and home_dir. import_playbook including the vars in the scope of this import is evaluated before the playbook starts. Ansible to Conditionally Prompt for Variables. - hosts: '{{ my_hosts }}'. Aborting the playbook when the variable is "" is not a problem and easily done. In order to pass the key from Tower to SSH, the key must be decrypted before it can be written a named pipe. I'm asking the user for input and basically I want to check that the value of the variable (asked to the user by vars_prompt) is not empty. With the above options input A, B, C specific commands associated with that option need to be executed. yml" \ "playbooks/example. Prompting the user for variables lets you avoid recording sensitive data like passwords. Loads YAML/JSON variables dynamically from a file or directory, recursively, during Apr 26, 2021 · To edit an encrypted file in place, use the ansible-vault edit command. I am trying to define a "complex" (with quotes) multiline variable in Ansible. server You can store Ansible facts as variables to use for conditional logic, as in the following example: tasks: - name: Get the CPU temperature set_fact: temperature: "{{ ansible_facts['cpu_temperature'] }}" - name: Restart the system if the temperature is too high when: temperature | float > 90 shell: "reboot". Ansible modules normally return a data structure that can be registered into a variable, or seen directly when output by the ansible program. 06- Launch the job template. For more complex needs, consider the use of expect code with the ansible. If you define the same parameter in a variable and by another method, the variable overrides the other setting. To pause/wait/sleep per host, use the ansible. Read developer tutorials and download Red Hat software for cloud application development. Ansible Tower Docs ». prompt: "Please specify the applications, separated by commas". I can save the password as var but not sure how to input it in that promt. The variable parentVar doesn't exist at this point. yaml --extra-vars "nodes=webgroup” ## Or # ansible-playbook myplaybook. Results will vary from module to module. Text: A single line of text. 4 days ago · Interactive input: prompts. prompt: Please enter the port name: 0/1,0/2,0/3,0/4,0/5 But when I want to pass the input of ports in a range. While using ansible I have found that you can use the vars_prompt before running tasks to ask questions and set the input as variables. shell module documentation). However, workflows have ‘admin’ and ‘execute’ permissions, similar to job templates. Variable Scopes and Precedence: Ansible variables can be set at different scopes, including play level, host level (host_vars), and command-line level. example: From the below playbook, i am able to pass multiple port numbers split by ",". Dec 15, 2015 · 9. tasks: Jul 20, 2022 · Since Prompts allow us to encrypt values immediately, we do not need to this in the task itself. Mar 31, 2017 · assert, only once, if variables by vars_prompt are empty. yml --extra-vars "arg1=demo1 arg2=demo2" Method 2: JSON string format Feb 14, 2018 · is mypause. The playbook would theoretically pause for the user input and then pass the resulting file selection into a variable to use in a future task. This functionality allows you to share modules across different Terraform configurations, making your module composable and reusable. ): ansible-playbook playbook. Many thanks in advance. Today we are going to take a look at integrating vars_prompt into an existing playbook I wrote, which automated the creation of NetApp Root Load-Sharing Mirrors. Any link to the documentation will be highly appreciated. You need to switch around your name and prompt values under vars_prompt. - hosts '{{ target_host }}'. 8. . vars_prompt: - name: new_hostname. 4 days ago · Synopsis. Feb 23, 2022 · 3. Let's also debug the symfony_env variable that we set above: 221 lines | ansible/playbook. First you have to ask for the input with Prompts and second you have to feed the values to your interactive program with expect. [defaults] You can also request user input with a vars_prompt (see Interactive input: prompts). Variable names cannot contain spaces. Tower then uses that pipe to send the key to SSH (so that it is never written to disk). file1. For example: - vars_prompt: - name: "Server IP" prompt: "Server" private: no should be: Nov 9, 2018 · If you really need to prompt the user for this information, you could ask for a comma-delimited list: - hosts: TestServer. Jan 6, 2024 · Let's break down the information about variable precedence in Ansible: 1. Synopsis . e. Another major use of variables is running a command and registering the result of that command as a variable. org Feb 13, 2023 · In this tutorial, we will go over how to use vars_prompt ansible section if you may wish to prompt the user for certain input while running ansible playbook. Surveys also allow for validation of user input. 1. To begin with the story, I would like to Mar 14, 2024 · The ansible. A good way to achieve prompt for each task without modifying the playbook itself is to use the --step option of ansible-playbook command. pause: prompt: "Key exists, click [1] to skip the key creation or click [2] to re-create the. user_input I didn't test this code. So as is (i. user_input }}" Would fail on two out of my three hosts. If you want your play to run on two hosts, declared through variables. Prompts ¶. There are also YAML formatting issues. Apr 17, 2019 · 04- To save the survey prompt, just click the +ADD button and finaly the SAVE button. become: false. with_items: - "{{ users }}" Ansible will import the users variable from your var file, and loop n times with number of users you have. 3. I don't want spaces as a result of the multiline setup. You can access this data in the ansible_facts variable. Encrypted content always includes the !vault tag, which tells Ansible and YAML that the content needs to be decrypted, and a | character, which allows multi-line strings. Understanding How Credentials Work. Prompting for User Input: You can use the vars_prompt keyword to prompt the user for input during playbook execution. The second playbook is the "provision" playbook, which prompts for a variable file as input. let users fill inventory files ( group_vars/whatever can be a directory, containing multiple files) use lookup with pipe to read from a script. 6. split example_var_2: "" EOF ansible-playbook \ --extra-vars="@extra-vars. Jun 13, 2022 · I have a multiple environments adn i classified them in groups and each group have multiple hosts. Jan 20, 2022 · Interactive input: prompts. You can also request user input with a vars_prompt (see Interactive input: prompts). If the command returns non UTF-8 data, it must be encoded to avoid issues. user Mar 29, 2022 · The prompt pause should wait for 10 seconds only. Bellow are some ways to pass variables to an Ansible playbook in the command line: Method 1: key=value format ansible-playbook site. remote_user: 'sv_operator'. If you want to specifically match questions to responses, use a regex to match the question as the key of a dictionary. So, the fact is not propagated on all hosts. As a result, you should see. This is necessary for example within Jenkins builds, where this variable can either be passed or not Jul 20, 2018 · echo: yes private: no register: prompt_status - name: Continue tasks shell: echo 'Continue full flow' register: reset_account_response when: prompt_status. All parameters are optional. . ---. when: flag=="yes". g. This is the current ansible playbook: Jun 5, 2015 · In Ansible, we can define variables when running our playbook by passing variables at the command line using the --extra-vars (or -e) argument. Share. For example, if you use one playbook across multiple software releases, you 4 days ago · The undef function: add hint for undefined variables. yaml -e "". You are mixing your response types. I am trying to create a timezone option in a prompt and have a user choose from a Right now I'm doing this by setting ev_security_only in the ansible-playbook command, and then referencing it in a when: statement in my playbook. file3. You can use ctrl+c if you wish to advance a pause earlier than it is set to expire or if you need to Prompts¶ When running a playbook, you may wish to prompt the user for certain input, and can do so with the ‘vars_prompt’ section. Sep 3, 2020 · Choose file to select: 1. Instead, you can use pause. gather_facts: True. Since it is the first time I worked with ansible playbook, I surely don't much about it while I do try to realise a function: conditionallise the prompt for variables. Stop it with CTRL-c, then execute the playbook with -K and the appropriate password. Get product support and knowledge from the open source experts. If you provide a list, it doesn't want/need the question. For example, if you use one playbook across multiple software releases, you Jun 1, 2015 · use ansible -e command line options, eventually wrapped in a bash script read ing vars, eventually with zenity if you need UI. Nov 15, 2022 · A: You're wrong. sh. Use undef () to undefine variables of lesser precedence. That being said 1) your checkVars. 2. ansible-playbook main. prompt. This works just fine when you have just one node, but when you have multiple nodes it will prompt for each one. 14) Q: "Is it possible to pass variables in this way?" A: No. Ansible attempts to decrypt vault content with each password. In addition to security, prompts support flexibility. Put it into the pre_tasks, run it once, and test the tags. If do run as sudo as in your first case, then you can use become within the script, to lose your privilege status, as you need it. We can also ensure the user confirms his input. Let's start with a simple example to create a local user. StrictUndefined. It will ask for sudo password of remote host automatically. Create a new file called playbook-02. file2. Workflows allow you to configure a sequence of disparate job templates (or workflow templates) that may or may not share inventory, playbooks, or permissions. 1. But this is not the Ansible way of life, because it is not reproducible. Code example: Aug 24, 2020 · In my Ansible playbook, I am running a command and as a result of that command the system asks me to input the password. That makes it essentially useless for any text entry. BECOME password: Aug 14, 2023 · Environment Variables: You can use environment variables by accessing them using Ansible’s ansible_env dictionary. # ansible-playbook myplaybook. This command decrypts the file to a temporary file, allows you to edit the content, then saves and re-encrypts the content and removes the temporary file when you close the editor. Pauses playbook execution for a set amount of time, or until a prompt is acknowledged. Ansible works best when it is provided the data to work on all at once- whether the data is provided from a file, or gathered by other Ansible tasks. Create hosts file and put it under folder called /Users/Shared/ansible. If you want your playbook to prompt the user for certain input, add a ‘vars_prompt’ section. user_input and my_pause typo or is this correct? Looks like it should be . If the same variable is set at different levels, the most specific level takes precedence. - name: Create default user: name: "default_name" when: my_variable is not defined - name: Create custom user: name: "{{my_variable}}" when: my_variable is defined But as I mentioned, there's a lot of optional variables and this creates a lot of possibilities. user: name: "{{ item }}" state: present. For example This is a built-in variable that has a lot of info about the "host" environment - meaning, the machine (or machines) that you're running Ansible against. Prompts for individual vars_prompt variables will be skipped for any variable that is already defined through the command line --extra-vars option, or when running from a non-interactive session (such as cron or Ansible Tower). key - This will require you to distribute the keys". For example, if you use one playbook across multiple software releases, you Jan 9, 2024 · tasks : - debug : msg: "USERNAME={{ username }}" Now additionally since this section is about using command line variables we will define the same variable using username and assign a different value: bash. A - ipaddr; B - ifconfig; C - freespace -m , yum repolist Prompts for individual vars_prompt variables will be skipped for any variable that is already defined through the command line --extra-vars option, or when running from a non-interactive session (such as cron or Ansible AWX). Use the JSON format if you need Jun 2, 2021 · Quoting from the Note in the section Interactive input: prompts: Prompts for individual vars_prompt variables will be skipped for any variable that is already defined through the command line --extra-vars option, or when running from a non-interactive session (such as cron or Ansible AWX). Oct 22, 2020 · I have a situation where depending on the user input with vars_prompt specific set of commands in the playbook task need to be executed. childVar: VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED! Jun 24, 2021 · To pass a value to nodes, use the --extra-vars or -e option while running the Ansible playbook, as seen below. yaml -e "role_variable=". OR. Mar 31, 2022 · When this variable is not set a value within the playbook, it evaluates correctly, e. Encrypted content created with --vault-id also contains the vault ID label. ansible. expect module is designed for simple scenarios. Is there something like the code above? Sep 23, 2019 · Total noob here learning Network Automation using Ansible with Jinja2. script modules. ga uz gz xb xu go tz xf ec ru